Jan 24Liked by The Casual Writer

I like it! Count me in as wanting to see more of the sky-rates. :D

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Thank you! 😊

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Jan 23Liked by The Casual Writer

I love how you’re exploring this world and I cannot wait to read more!! This was an absolute treat

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Jan 23Liked by The Casual Writer

Evocative imagery and more flavor for a world I have not yet explored! Have you posted anything from your sky-rates story?

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First of all, I'm absolutely stealing "sky-rates"! Second, I haven't posted anything directly from my Skyrates story. I do have a whole Google Folder of the actual story on file, but I don't know how I would share it here.

As in, should the Skyrates be a paid subscription deal? Etc.

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Jan 23Liked by The Casual Writer

What is your goal? You could theoretically cut it up into a serial and publish it that way--would get a lot of eyes for your story and some excitement. I don't recommend making it a paid exclusive unless eyes isn't what you're after. If you're fixing to publish it first and then hype it up, then I wouldn't offer it to anyone, just wait and do some hype once it's ready to publish.

If you want to indulge the ethos of skyracy then you should charge exorbitant fees for access to the story and then use your substack as a phishing scam.

FWIW: my model is going to be to turn the substack posts paid once I have a hard copy people can buy. Duel will probably get turned into a novel, so it might be the first thing I do that with, anthology notwithstanding. I don't know if that jives with your plan but wanted to share for your consideration!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Author

I don't have a particular goal, to be honest. My username was intentional, lol.

But I agree with your case against making it a paid exclusive.

I do notice that my prompts involving my skyrates get the most attention, and I haven't even introduced my protagonist! There are two other skyrate-related prompts in the draft stage that I will publish eventually. Maybe once those are out I'll introduce the main story.

Or radicaledward will keep supplying inspiring prompts to continue my world building. Who knows, I'm just casually writing up in here. :D

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